
Friday 31 December 2010

With the blink of an eye..


is coming!

2010 is one of ma best year ever!!

78.44% Happy.. 21.66% sad/bad moments..


bagiku 2011 adalah tahun dimana aku nda lagi buleh main2 macam 2010.

azam 2011 : " apapun terjadi, nada lagi main2 "

Monday 27 December 2010


2010 coming to an end..

banyak kenangan-kenangan manis tercatat pada taun 2010 ani. pahit pun ada li aa..

kenangan-kenangan manis atu contohnya ;

aku berjaya menjejak kaki ketiga tiga pusat tingkatan enam di brunei muara ane.
  • Maktab Duli
  • PTE Meragang
  • PTE Katok
berkelah di pantai muara bersama rakan-rakan kelas 5A1.

Sumber kewangan dan rezeki yang melebihi jngkaan, alhamdulillah..

mendapatkan O pada peperiksaan O level bulan jun..

Mendapat rumah baru, yg lebih selesa daripada rumah sebelumnya..

menjadi prefek yg nda dpat diharap ;pp haa!

dapat bermain bola di padang sekolah smaun..

pandai menggunakan photoshop. aha awal mcm si paluii mnggunakan photoshop NDA tau can makai, msane bukannya ku ambung.. belajar ku msih ;))


kenangan pahit? hmm..

kehilangan nini muda yg tersayang.. Al Fatihah.. semoga roh beliau sentiasa dalam keadaan tenang dan di tempatkan bersama orang-orang yg beriman, aminn..

kerubuhan di kubu.. aha, nasib nothing bad happen..

IDK.. lupa.. :) biasala kenangan pahit memang selalu lupa..

and tomorrow.. Bonus! Aha LENS OR HANDPHONE??


Padaku Handphone baik ku bali lens tantu.. mendatangkan hasil.. pasal?? mun urg order aku untuk servis photography lens atu buleh tolong aku dapatkan duit.. awu nda ja??

Mun handphone balik2 kluar usin.. membali kredit lagi. haa..

biar ta aku bemobile yg murah2 apa ko paduli?? ;pp

Thursday 23 December 2010

JOKES by Along..

A few days after Christmas, a mother was working in the kitchen listening to her young son playing with his new electric train in the living room.

She heard the train stop and her son said,

"All of you sons of b*tches who want off, get the hell off now, cause this is the last stop! And all of you sons of b*tches who are getting on, get your asses in the train, cause we're going down the tracks."

The mother went nuts and told her son,

"We don't use that kind of language in this house. Now I want you to go to your room and you are to stay there for TWO HOURS. When you come out, you may play with your train, but I want you to use nice language."

Two hours later, the son comes out of the bedroom and resumes playing with his train. Soon the train stopped and the mother heard her son say,

"All passengers who are disembarking from the train, please remember to take all of your belongings with you. We thank you for riding with us today and hope your trip was a pleasant one. We hope you will ride with us again soon."

She hears the little boy continue,

"For those of you just boarding, we ask you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat. Remember, there is no smoking on the train. We hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing journey with us today."

As the mother began to smile, the child added,

"For those of you who are pissed off about the TWO HOUR delay, please see the b*tch in the kitchen."


A man escapes from prison where he has been for 15 years. He breaks into a house to look for money and guns and finds a young couple in bed.

He orders the guy out of bed and ties him to a chair, while tying the girl to the bed he gets on top of her, kisses her neck, then gets up and goes into the bathroom.

While he's in there, the husband tells his wife:

"Listen, this guy's an escaped convict, look at his clothes! He probably spent lots of time in jail and hasn't seen a woman in years. I saw how he kissed your neck." If he wants s*x, don't resist, don't complain, do whatever he tells you. Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you. This guy is probably very dangerous. If he gets angry, he'll k*ll us. Be strong, honey. I love you."

To which his wife responds:

"He wasn't kissing my neck. He was whispering in my ear. He told me he was gay, thought you were cute, and asked me if we had any vaseline. I told him it was in the bathroom. Be strong honey. I love you too!!"

JOKES by Along..


Kanak2 8 taun ke kadai doremon ari atu..

Kakanak ; aman uwa akit uwa..

Cashier yg Jelitaa ; Aaah? KENAPA Laiii ??

Kakanak ; Aku ada plastik sndiri kau diam sha labur !!

Cashier yg Jelitaa ; Kan mati sulnyaa !! Blum merasa x anak ane ?!

Kakanak ; duii udh ku merasa, nyamannnnn x aah ! Akit ada juaa ;p

Cashier yg Jelitaa ; baie jua anak ane! Xiiaal po*ema ! Apa yg nyamann atu laii ?

Kakanak ; Donut !!

Cashier yg Jelitaa ; owh donut, ku pkir apa tdi, kn mati sulnyaa.. Abis napa plg sakitt !!

Kakanak ; nda kau mliat ne gigiku bnyak buruk aa, ptah lgi bnyak, yata sakit ! Pyah ngunyah main betalan jaa.. Kau pkir aku bhapa? Kan mati sulnya..



A man and his wife go to their honeymoon hotel for their 25th anniversary. As the couple reflected on that magical evening 25 years ago, the wife asked the husband,

"When you first saw my naked body in front of you, what was going through your mind?"

The husband replied,

"All I wanted to do was to fuck your brains out, and suck your tits dry."

Then, as the wife undressed, she asked,

"What are you thinking now?"

He replied, "astagah! barru ku ingat. alum gi ku smbahyang mamanyaa"..

then, they both are going to smbahyang..

Cucu paluii

Ada ari atu, mamanya mengenang kmbali kisah hidup arwah nini kepada si aji..

" mun ninimu lakat idup ji, msuk tia udh umurnya 83 hari ane.. " kata mama si Aji..

" kalau ea idup pa kan kau ucapkan rahnya tu lai " kata mamanya lagi..

" antah, krg ta ku tulis surat " kata si Aji..

Menulis taia surat aa.. Cemani suratnya, aku copy paste saja..

selamat hari jadi kpd arwah hajah simunah binti kirawi yg menyambut ari jadinya ari ane yg 83 tahun ;) aku ne cucu kita yg dlu slalu kita suapi gula2 aa, ingat kita? ku doakan kitaa............ Pnjang umur nda dpt ne, kita mati sudah ;) *kiraii2* apa baik ahh.. Murah rezeki pun nda dpt.. Rezeki mana kan msuk kubur kitaa aa? Tampa plg karanggg.. Mun doa Pass exam confirm nda dpt jua!! Peksa pun nda pndai pass, kn gagal ta sajaa, nda ta kita malu tu??.. Eatah dlu2 dsuruh blajar nda mau.. Ahaa.. Ok tu ni? ;) *kiraii2* lawa lakat kita aa, maintain msih ne *taiemu aa*.. Umur 83, sadar2 th, kita atu di kubur sdh.. Aku bh! lum merasai, ahaa.. Muamu aa! Al-fatihah..

Habis, udh tu diantarnya kekubur..

Mlmnya mulah nininya tu ngaga si Aji.. Becakap taia..

" yata cucuku gila baie ne kau aa, antah siapaka ngajar ea pnyeluru ane, ane kn ku msih hot cute apa, di sindir2 nya ta plg.. Silahau pnya cucu, nasib ku ne beikat, kalau nda abis ko ku terajang, ku tmpar bh ne kau aa, cucu gila baie, kan mati sulnyaa.. Btw, thanks cucu eh, mbacakan Al-fatihah aa ;) *kiraii2*, kau ta cucu pling baik ji "

" nah! udah atu ni " kata si Aji..



Hmm, puas udh hby cri hny ane, dmana hny kan? Sana sini dh hby mncari hny ane, hby mau hny yg bnar2 hby syg spuasnya, hny pun syg hby la jua, atu baie tu eh if hny nda syg hby ;D

ari tu ada hby usaha cari hny, me tpun la 175, x ea gtau hby satu satu.. Katanya tekan 1 utk topup tkan 2 utk baki crd8 akaun awda tkan 3 utk fmily n friends tkan 4 utk topup bgi phak kdua tkan 5 untuk pnukaran kod rhsia tkan 6 utk crd8 transfer dn tkan 0 utk prkhidmatan plggan kami..

So, hby pun gagas dan hnya mmikirkan no.3, 5 & 0 adalah no. Penting , hby brharap tjumpa hny dsini..

Mula2 hby tkan 3, x katanya " HARAP MAAF AWDA BLUM MLANGGAN PRKHIDMATAN INI " Baie x !! sasak hby tarus eh hby bkannya kn mlanggan, hby mau mncari hny.. Hby teraisi bh tpun aa! Bbau ea plg, pnjang bbaunya si baie aa..

Hby takan plg no.0, no.5 tu kmudian salnya if hby udh jumpa hny brutah hby tukar kod rahsia tane, x bla me takan ja no. 0 atu lain ta plg ringing sja ta plg yg hby dgr nada urg yg jawab, mybe sal hby trais pat urg atu x, yata pnjang babau, adaka hby plg kn dbwanya mlanggan apa, baie x eh..

Udh nya bnyi ring ring sja mlastah me eh.. Ngalih bh udah hby cri hny ane.. Plz tah hny brapa taun dh tne bpisah, 2 taun lbih bh u noe..

" clou-d bnar2 syg kn win-d, dmana win-d kan? Plz win-d, jgn lupakan clou-d dsini ane, clou-d mau win-d slalu dsamping me, bgayut kah bsikut kah bkipak kah win-d pat clou-d ane nda clou-d ingau tu.. Plz.. ;'/ . Clou-d and win-d forever (l) . Mwwahhh.. ;pp

My very first Fisheye photo

Copyrights, under protected and all right reserved. photo created and edited by Along Van der Weil.. :))

Kampong Air banjir basar..

Nadalaa. esen saja, sebenarnya kedalaman basar saja..

Tuesday 21 December 2010


pintu kaabah di buka hari ane dari jam 12-3pm..

Ku berdoa agar ALLAH memakbulkan permohonanku kepadaNya selama ini. berdoa agar apa yg ku hajati selama ini tercapai, ingin memohon agar pemarkah2 exam paper o level ku memarkah exam paperku dgn sempurna, ya ALLAH ku mohon aku akan mendapat keputusan yang baik. Mudah mudahan aku kan lebih tabah di tahun 2011, rajin serta bertambah ilmu pengetahuanku dan berjaya di akan datang. semoga aku dapat apa yg aku hajati sebelum tahun 2011 kerana aku banar2 memerlukannya.. Aminn YA ALLAH..

last not least Kau lindungilah kami (hamba2Mu) dalam apa jua keadaan sekalipun.. aminn..

Monday 20 December 2010

Dugaan dari Nya

Sabtu 18 Disember,

Bandar Seri Begawan, sebanyak 51 panggilan kecemasan telah pun di terima oleh pihak Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Di seluruh negara berikutan dengan kejadian hujan lebat dan angin kencang yang berlaku di ibu negara.

haa. mcam apa aku mempos tu ;pp tapi banar, kesian durang tu.. nda semana2 atap umah durang (termasuk saudara mara along) di terbangkan oleh angin kencang. bukan saja umah2 yg telibat mlahan jua sekolah dan jeti kampong ayer semuanya musnah PARABOLA kami pun usak uleh angin atu, kesian kami ;pp. hancurlah harapan ku.. oh tidak !!

Di pohonkan agar para mangsa bersabar dengan apa yag telah terjadi. semua itu dugaan dari ALLAH semata2. okay? bonus nda lgi batah, so di harapkan bila bonus keluar nanti jangantah ktani mbali yg nda bepaidah. sekadar ingatan bersama.

Sama2lah kitani berdoa agar negara kitani sentiasa dalam keadaan selamat dan dalam perlindungan ALLAH semata2. Aminnn..

Friday 17 December 2010

Facebook :))


add my msn ;,

link my blog ;,

follow me on twitter - coming soon TBC,

Join me at MySpace - TBC.

Hehee.. :))

Biar taia kana banned facebook atu banyak lagi social network yang lain..

Thursday 9 December 2010

My First HDR Images


Saturday 4 December 2010

Create HDR image using Nikon D3100

One of disadvantage of having Nikon D3100 is that it doesnt have exposure bracketing controls (Automatic Exposure Bracketing or AEB) . Exposure bracketing is prove useful in challenging lighting situations eg: wide contrast range. It ‘s a pity Nikon dont put that simple control in their latest entry-level DSLRs . I dont know , maybe it’s one of their marketing tactics.

With AEB enabled , when we press the shutter button the camera will take at least three consecutive images with different exposure level. By having these images we can easily pick an image that properly exposed or pick one that you really like. Or you can merge those images into one image that has larger dynamic range than a normal photo. The merging technique is also known as High Dynamic Range ( HDR )

Langman Grove - HDR

example of HDR image - by artiephotography

To create a HDR photo , normally you will need at least three images with different exposure. But without exposure bracketing (AEB) , how to create multiple photos with Nikon D3100 ?

Use your camera

Remember , photos taken for a HDR image should be similar apart from their exposure level. Other settings need to fixed each shot : aperture , white balance , ISO , and focus. Shutter-speed values will change according to shot’s exposure level. So , you’ll need a tripod to minimalize camera shake.

  1. Put the camera in tripod
  2. use Aperture-Priority mode ( see manual, page 76)
  3. set exposure to 0 EV ( see page 81 )
  4. look around then compose your photo
  5. KLIK, press that shutter button. But wait , to minimalize shake when pressing the button use remote trigger accesories like Nikon MC-DC2. Or you can use the camera’s self-timer :)
  6. Done.. repeat from step 3 but set exposure level to -1 EV (underexpose ) . Then set the third photo’s exposure to +1EV (overexpose). The 1EV interval is only a guideline.. you can create as many photos as you like with larger interval.

Next step is to combine those photos to create a HDR image using software. Here’s some

I’m not going to elaborate more about it. There are tons of HDR tutorial in the net ! i’m sure you’ll find one :)

Thursday 2 December 2010

Camera Test

This photo is taken by Along Van der Weil using Nikon D3100..

30/11/2010 Last Day of School

sorry guys, all the above photos are not edited.